Muslim Centre for Justice and Law joins Civil Society Organizations'(CSOs) petition to the Prime Minister to reopen schools.

Memorandum On the Ugandan draft Succession Amendment Bills, 2018 & 2019 By Muslim Centre for Justice and Law

MEMORANDUM On the Ugandan draft Succession Amendment Bills, 2018 & 2019 By MUSLIM CENTRE FOR JUSTICE AND LAW KAMPALA  June 11, 2020 Introduction This memorandum provides an analysis of Uganda’s Draft Succession Amendment Bills, 2018 and 2019[draft amendments] particularly on provisions that that affect access to justice of Muslims in succession matters. The draft Amendments…

Contractual Liability

Covid19 May Not Help You Escape Contractual Liability

There are 4 known ways of discharging a contract or freeing mutual obligations of parties to a contract.  A contract may be discharged by performance where parties fulfil their respective obligations, by express agreement where parties consent to terminate a contract, by frustration where an event occurs that makes performance impossible or breach where one…