Quarterly Success Stories Bulletin – Booklet

[pdf-embedder url=”https://mcjl.ug/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Quarterly-Success-Stories-Bulletin-Booklet.pdf” title=”Quarterly Success Stories Bulletin-Booklet”]

Let us Preach Tolerance not Revenge

On 16th October,2020, the world witnessed the gruesome murder of Samuel Patty, a teacher of civics in France by Anzolov, an 18-year-old Muslim who claimed to be revenging against Patty’s disrespect for the prophet (SAW). Patty had used cartoons which he claimed were for the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in a freedom of speech class. The…

Child Sacrifice in Uganda

Child sacrifice in Uganda is a phenomenon that has embedded itself within traditional customs yet bears no genuine connection to local culture. The appeal to “cultural beliefs” is actually an excuse used by witchdoctors to justify their crimes. The government of Uganda has ratified a number of instruments (Convention on the rights of a child…

Worship places including mosques face demolition

WORSHIP PLACES INCLUDING MOSQUES FACE DEMOLITION. This week began with sad news of razing to ground St. Peters Church Ndeeba. In passing the judgement against the registered trustees of Church of Uganda in High Court Civil Suit No.432/2008 (Dan Ssemwanga and 3 others Versus Nsubuga and 4 others), His Lordship Honourable Justice John Eudes Keitirima…

Will ADF suspects get Justice?

Will ADF suspects get Justice?

‘Convicted’ before trial; Will ADF Suspects get justice? The Justices of the Supreme Court in the case of Susan Kigula versus Attorney General rightly observed that entire process of trial from the arraignment of an accused person to his sentencing is, what constitutes administration of justice. Article 126 (1) of the 1995 Constitution of Uganda…

Islamophobia in Uganda

PERCEIVED CRIMINALITY AGAINST MUSLIMS IN UGANDA FUELS ISLAMOPHOBIA. Islamophobia is an exaggerated fear, hatred, and hostility toward Islam and Muslims that is perpetuated by negative stereotypes resulting in bias, insult, prejudice, discrimination, and the marginalization and exclusion of Muslims from social, political, and civic life. In Uganda, there is a perceived bias against Muslims which…

Reflection on Gender Roles

It is time to reflect on our gender roles Today marks the 9th day of Dhul Hijjah the 12th and last month of the Islamic year. This day is known as the day of Arafat and perhaps one of the most significant days in Islam.  It was on this day that prophet Muhammad (peace be…


Umar Nyanzi; President, Muslim Centre for Justice and Law   On 3rd July, 2020, the Daily Monitor published an Article “Who is funding Uganda’s new high rise mosques?” The authors labored to investigate the source of funds for construction of mosques in various parts of Uganda. The article labels Muslim international development partners as “international…

Muslim Centre for Justice and Law joins Civil Society Organizations'(CSOs) petition to the Prime Minister to reopen schools.

Memorandum On the Ugandan draft Succession Amendment Bills, 2018 & 2019 By Muslim Centre for Justice and Law

MEMORANDUM On the Ugandan draft Succession Amendment Bills, 2018 & 2019 By MUSLIM CENTRE FOR JUSTICE AND LAW KAMPALA  June 11, 2020 Introduction This memorandum provides an analysis of Uganda’s Draft Succession Amendment Bills, 2018 and 2019[draft amendments] particularly on provisions that that affect access to justice of Muslims in succession matters. The draft Amendments…